Embassy Kings: Casey and Stephano

This was Pentecost 2024! An awesome experience!

The Embassy celebrated it's 16th Anniversary

Apostle preparing to be surprised at his Birthday Party 2024

Bishop Garlington always bring golden nuggets of Kingdom knowledge and understanding when he comes.

Our new leader of the Women's Ministry and the wonderful Mother's Day celebration.

The Embassy family gets healthier. with a professional trainer!

Our first workout with The Cycle Gang

Saturday April 29, 2023 Revival Night was held @ The Embassy. Pastor Andy Arguez in collaboration with Apostle B. Dwayne Harding hosted REVIVAL NIGHT right here at The Embassy. We experienced a bilingual worship experience filled with Miracles, Healings, and Freedom. This was a night of prayer for families and their finances.
It was extremely successful! Don't miss the next one!

We were introduced to one of the most powerful ministries we could ever have. Minister Fontaine is actually doing something to help many of our young people who are in dire situations. He visits families individually and has a 90% success rate. God has his had on him. Thank you Prison Doctor for visiting the Embassy!

This was the Highlight of our March Celebrations. Apostle Hardin's Mentor and Covering, Dr. Pat McKinstry, will honor us with her presence Saturday, March 25th at 10:00AM. She is one of the strongest voices for the Kingdom of our time. She gave us Words of Wisdom for our time!

Apostle Doctor Nesbitt spoke Rivers of Life into the Embassy to kick off a Month of March Celebrations.

This began a series of rare and unusual times for the Men to come together to learn and share the real issues of life. These are Extraordinary and Powerful experiences for the Men of the Embassy.

The Chosen Fast-Dimensional Shifts
Jeremiah 32:42-44. The was a time of a dimensional shift for all involved. Mission Accomplished!

The Extremely Successful "Prophet's Weekend" Conference of 2022

Prophetic Conference 2022 Pouring Oil on Prayers

Dr. Connie Gives Prophecy at the Prophetic Conference 2022

Apostle Blessing Prophetic Conference Participant

Prophetic Conference 2022 Participant

Panel Discussions 2022 Prophetic Conference

Our Apostle became a Consecrated Bishop at a wonderful service. See it on YouTube!

The Bishop of Bishops Anointing The Bishop. Bishop Garlington & Wife, Bishop Swilley & Wife, Dr. Connie

Apostle and Pastor Andy travailing for our country.

Our Opportunity To Honor the Kingship of the Great Men of Our Church & Highlight Our Youthful Kings.

Apostle Worked Miracles at ALC!

Apostle and Dr. Everett McBee

Apostle and Bobby, Men Not Afraid of Work

Apostle and Pastor Swilley

Apostle and Deuce

Apostle and The Superintendent

The Jackson Twins Baptism

Pastor Michael Fisher, Guest Speaker

Apostle Hardin Enjoying Guest Speaker

Embassy Members

Delores Embraces New Member

Renowned Songster Leon Timbo

Apostle Ryan LeStrange

Minister Jackie Fleming

Singer Lawrence Flowers and Prophet Joseph

Singer Chantae Cann

Singer Y'Anna Crawley


Larry, Praise Leader

Praise Team

Angela Givens, Praise Team

Ketchup and Angela, Praise Team

Dr. Mack, Praise Team

Onecia, Praise Team

Jonathan and Jonathan Awesome Musicians

A Wonderful Experience! Prepare now to attend next Year!